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Registration of Companies(Iraq)

The foreign company registered in Iraq

N-commerce company specializes in providing legal services in the area of registration of national companies or branches and representative offices of foreign companies operating in Iraq being licensed by the Ministry of Commerce as the agent Company Registration number (4075) as the company specialized in the Department of classification of contractors and the Federation of Iraqi contractors and get the identities of the traders All of the chambers of commerce in Iraq.

N-commerce  and Legal Services Co., Ltd. is a discreet professional firms known and are providing legal services inside Iraq in all the provinces, where it has the ability to meet their services within the Kurdistan region of Iraq (Erbil) and in central and southern Iraq in the province of (Basra) and that our company has always been eager to provide excellent legal services in the field of investments, litigation, and bearing in mind the continued development of these services and follow up all legal amendments, especially in the field of international trade and investment laws and national foreign companies, trademarks, trade agencies and insurance business and national banks and foreign operating inside Iraq and bureaux de change and money transfer and advocacy and litigation before all courts and different depending on grades in the civil litigation, commercial, criminal and legal department and the company also specializes in providing advice and consultation in the real estate actions. Accordingly, we believe that our company qualified and able to provide the required legal services efficiently and distinct.

The benefits of foreign companies registered in Iraq


preparation for expanding trade and investment nationals and foreign companies in Iraq

and the expansion of the non - petroleum exports increase in Iraq


and many other benefits in mutual trade and the use of the company registration rules in Iraq to foreign countries will be made to Iraq . 


I hope the material was satisfactory . 


The telegram channel of Najme Tarvand Trading Company was launched

By subscribing to the Telegram Channel, Export Management Company Najmeh Arvand Trade, in addition to viewing news, receiving export trade data and observing the requirements of the Iraqi market, you will also be a member of the Exporting Group (Al-Najjam Consortium) in Iraq. You will receive the services provided to this group. . Our company is also representing members of this group in providing business services in Iraq. Click on the link below to access the channel of Najmeh Arvand Trade

Channel Login Link

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